Regner is a small family owned company in Germany, that produces some of the finest quality live steam locomotives and stationary steam machines in the world. All of the Regner models are Hand-Made in GERMANY, using the finest quality materials and workmanship. Regner specializes in developing workable live steam models in a variety of gauges and sizes. Regner models are available in limited quantities as kits or ready-made assembled models. The train models are remarkable and very functional, for instance the locomotives have adjustable wheels. What this means is you can run the locomotives on O-Gauge , G-Gauge, I-Gauge etc. The wheels can be adjusted to run on any track with a width between 30mm and 45mm. Regner also produces a very large assortment of parts and accessories so you can repair old steam machines or build your own models. REYNAULD’S EURO IMPORTS, INC. is proud to offer our customers the great line of Regner products. If you have any questions about the Regner product line please feel free to contact us.
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