Home : Catalogs

Each of these European model train manufacturers produce a catalog of their items. These catalogs are some of the finest printing you will ever see. Each is a masterpiece in itself and a representation of world class printing. They are fully illustrated (usually in stunning color) with photos of the complete line-up offered by these manufacturers. The ultimate model railroading "Wish Books". Order yours today!

Artitec Catalogs

Catalogue civilian
Artitec 012

Catalogue civilian

ALL Scale

Catalogue military
Artitec 013

Catalogue military

ALL Scale

2017 Artitec Civil Catalog
Artitec C017

2017 Artitec Civil Catalog


2017 Artitec Military Catalog
Artitec M017

2017 Artitec Military Catalog


Artmaster Catalogs

2013 Catalog
Artmaster CAT2013

2013 Catalog

ALL Scale

2015 Catalog
Artmaster CAT2015

2015 Catalog


2016 Catalog
Artmaster CAT2016

2016 Catalog


2019 Catalog
Artmaster CAT2019

2019 Catalog


Brawa Catalogs

 BRAWA Main Catalogu2017/2018, english
Brawa 117.1

BRAWA Main Catalogu2017/2018, english


Busch Catalogs

2018 Catalog
Busch 999893

2018 Catalog


Electrotren Catalogs

2014 Product Catalog
Electrotren ELE0001

2014 Product Catalog

HO Scale

Faller Catalogs

Advent Calendar Figures
Faller 190029

Advent Calendar Figures


Wegweiser fur den Anlagenbau
Faller 190852

Wegweiser fur den Anlagenbau


Faller 2023/2024 Catalog (English)
Faller 190905

Faller 2023/2024 Catalog (English)


Faller Catalog 2022/2023
Faller 190909

Faller Catalog 2022/2023


Advent Calandar Figures
Faller 272002

Advent Calandar Figures


Ferro Train Catalogs

2014 Katalog
Ferro Train KATALOG

2014 Katalog

Scales include: HO, HOe, HOn3z, N, & O


Fleischmann Catalogs

N-Scale Main Catalog 2017/18 (English/French)
Fleischmann 990217

N-Scale Main Catalog 2017/18 (English/French)


Fleischmann Main Catalog N, 2018/2019, English
Fleischmann 990218

Fleischmann Main Catalog N, 2018/2019, English


Fleischmann Main Catalog H0, 2018/2019, German
Fleischmann 990318

Fleischmann Main Catalog H0, 2018/2019, German


Jagerndorfer Catalogs

JC Katalog 2014
Jagerndorfer JC100

JC Katalog 2014


Kato HobbyTrain Lemke Catalogs

2019 Catalog
Kato HobbyTrain Lemke K10-2019

2019 Catalog


Kibri Catalogs

kibri catalogue 2023/2024/2025 DE/EN
Kibri 99904

kibri catalogue 2023/2024/2025 DE/EN


All Scale

LGB Catalogs

2020 North American Models Catalog
LGB 12885

2020 North American Models Catalog


2015 Catalog
LGB 18444

2015 Catalog

G Scale

Marklin Catalogs

Marklin Track Plan Book - German Text
Marklin 03071

Marklin Track Plan Book - German Text


  • Perfect help for building a layout.
  • 25 track plans from easy to hard included.

In over 160 pages, you get extensive tips for building a layout including essential information about track geometry, layout control, and accessories. An ideal handbook for designing and building a modern track layout. In addition, there are numerous suggestions for updating existing layouts and taking them into the digital world. There are also 25 track plans for C and K Track included in this handbook.

Printed in German


Marklin Catalog 2021/2022
Marklin 15719

Marklin Catalog 2021/2022


Marklin Catalog 2022/23
Marklin 15725

Marklin Catalog 2022/23


2023/2024 Marklin Catalog
Marklin 15805

2023/2024 Marklin Catalog


Märklin/Trix Wall Calendar 2024
Marklin 19855

Märklin/Trix Wall Calendar 2024

The one side Märklin, the other side Trix!
Reversible calendar with 24 large format images of selected Märklin and Trix models from the last few decades covering all gauges, eras, and subjects! Märklin and Trix model highlights of the past years on large-format calendar pages


Märklin Software Track Plan.
Marklin 60524

Märklin Software Track Plan.

Marklin 60524 Marklin Software Track Plan.
Marklin Software Track Planning 2D/3D, Version 11.0
This is track planning software on a USB stick for Marklin, Trix, and LGB model railroad layouts. This is the new Version 11.0. There are many useful planning tools for fast and easy generation of a desired layout up to 15 square meters / 161 square feet in up to 99 levels. There is a fast selection of track pieces and accessories from tables, automatic connecting of the track ends and laying parallel tracks. Grades and through heights can be calculated. Track can be displayed in variable ways. There is a library with symbols for many types of buildings. There is also the possibility of displaying circuit plans and layout substructures. This software has practical printing formats for views and additional editing of the track plan. The parts list for a layout is automatically generated. There is a 3D view to display the layout and its substructure.System Requirements:Starting with Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 10. Pentium II with a minimum of 500 megahertz. Free USB A slot. VGA graphics card. 128 MB main memory (RAM).Note: The Marklin Software Track Planning 2D/3D is only available in a German language version.


Noch Catalogs

2021-2022 Noch Catalog
Noch 72212

2021-2022 Noch Catalog


NOCH Catalogue 2023/2024 German
Noch 72230

NOCH Catalogue 2023/2024 German


2024 HO, N, Z, O, G, TT Scale Current Catalog
Noch 72232

2024 HO, N, Z, O, G, TT Scale Current Catalog


As the eventful summer bids farewell, the days usher in a cloudier and colder ambiance. For avid model railway enthusiasts, however, this change in weather signals the perfect time to delve into their craft once more. And what better companion to this creative resurgence than the latest NOCH catalogue!

Our assortment has undergone significant updates this year, offering a plethora of options for enthusiasts.

A noteworthy highlight for newcomers is the Easy-Track route kit "Martinsstadt" (item no. 53610) and the starter set "Modellbahn-Anlagenbau" (Art. No. 60804). This dynamic duo serves as an ideal entry point for those venturing into the world of model building or seeking to enhance existing setups.

Explore the pages of our main catalogue for 2023/2024, spanning 436 pages, and discover not only these exciting products but also gain valuable insights and additional information about our company as we celebrate our 111th anniversary.

Don't miss out on the wealth of possibilities that await you—dive into creativity and exploration with NOCH!


Piko Catalogs

N Catalog 2025, German
Piko 99695

N Catalog 2025, German

2025 New Item
N Scale

2025 G Scale Catalog
Piko 99704

2025 G Scale Catalog

G Scale

2025 HO Scale Catalog
Piko 99705

2025 HO Scale Catalog

G Scale

Preiser Catalogs

2017 Preiser Catalog
Preiser 93059

2017 Preiser Catalog


REE Modeles Catalogs

2014 HO & N Scale Catalog
REE Modeles 2014

2014 HO & N Scale Catalog

HO Scale

2015 HO & N Scale Catalog
REE Modeles 2015

2015 HO & N Scale Catalog


2017 HO & N Scale Catalog
REE Modeles 2017

2017 HO & N Scale Catalog


2019 HO & N Scale Catalog
REE Modeles 2019

2019 HO & N Scale Catalog


2018 Ree Modeles Model Vehicles - Asphalte87
REE Modeles ASP87

2018 Ree Modeles Model Vehicles - Asphalte87


Roco Catalogs

Roco Main Catalog 2018/19, English
Roco 80218

Roco Main Catalog 2018/19, English


Tillig Catalogs

TT Catalog 2019/2020
Tillig 09583

TT Catalog 2019/2020

TT Scale

Track Catalog for HO and TT
Tillig 095887

Track Catalog for HO and TT

All Scale

TT Catalog 2020/2021
Tillig 09589

TT Catalog 2020/2021

TT Scale

HO-HOm/HOe Catalog 2022-2023
Tillig 09593

HO-HOm/HOe Catalog 2022-2023

HO Scale

2022/2023 TT Scale Full Product Catalog
Tillig 09594

2022/2023 TT Scale Full Product Catalog

A total of more than 250 pages, you will receive a complete overview of the entire TILLIG-TT range, including the novelties and the autumn 2017 novelties.

TT Scale

HO-HOm/HOe 2018-2019 Catalog
Tillig 09595

HO-HOm/HOe 2018-2019 Catalog


Planning folder, HO-ELITE track system
Tillig 09620

Planning folder, HO-ELITE track system

Planning folder, HO-ELITE track system
HO Scale

Trix Catalogs

Main Catalog 2012/13
Trix 18481

Main Catalog 2012/13

ALL Scale

2023/2024 HO Trix Catalog
Trix 19841

2023/2024 HO Trix Catalog


2023/2024 N Scale Trix Catalog
Trix 19847

2023/2024 N Scale Trix Catalog


Viessmann Catalogs

Viessmann catalogue 2024/2025/2026 DE/EN
Viessmann 8999

Viessmann catalogue 2024/2025/2026 DE/EN


Viessmann Catalog 2013/2014
Viessmann 89991

Viessmann Catalog 2013/2014

This catalog is comprised of HO, TT, N, and Z scale items. Viessmann offers a large selection of digital items and catenary, as well as lighting and other model layout accessories.


Vollmer Catalogs

Vollmer Catalogue 2024/2025/2026 DE/EN
Vollmer 49999

Vollmer Catalogue 2024/2025/2026 DE/EN


Walthers Catalogs

HO,N & Z Reference Book
Walthers 253

HO,N & Z Reference Book

N,Z Scale

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