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    AZL PC&F Beer Car  

    This item is discontinued at the factory but is still available here.

    AZL 912611-1

    Price: $34.00

    Scale Country Railway
    AZL 912611-1 - PC&F Beer Car

    Product Features and Details
    Z Scale 

    Road numbers: 28887

    AZL Model Details:

    • Blackened metal wheels
    • AZL AutoLatch couplers
    • Prototype specific details
    • Multi-color pad printing

    About the PC&F Beer Car:

    A refrigerator car (or "reefer") is a refrigerated boxcar (U.S.), a piece of railroad rolling stock designed to carry perishable freight at specific temperatures.  Some of the well insulted reefers became known as beer cars, as this was often what they carried.  Manufactured by Pacific Car and Foundry (PC&F). 

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