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    Brawa Flat Car Sggmmrrs InnoFreight  

    Brawa 50668

    Price: This item is no longer available

    Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    HO Various VI Private 340mm
    Brawa 50668 - Flat Car Sggmmrrs InnoFreight

    Product Features and Details
    HO Scale Era VI 

    Model Details:

    • Replica of all three InnoWaggons double carriages
    • Replica of the latest generation Y25 bogie
    • Extra mounted brake-switch
    • Fine engravings
    • NEM-standard short-coupling
    • True-to-original replica of the car bottom
    • Wheelsets with inside contours
    • Bogie with three-point support
    • Without loading, for free arrangement


    Innofreight, as the name suggests, is fully committed to innovation in rail freight transport. The company claims that its self-developed InnoWaggons allow freight transport on the railways to be organised more efficiently than ever before. Innofreight achieves this efficiency by offering its InnoWaggons in three different lengths: 2x30 ft, 2x40 ft and 2x45 ft. Each vehicle consists of two short-coupled carrying wagons. The InnoWaggons can be fitted with a variety of different superstructures and transport racks by means of standardised folding container spigots. The wagons can thus be individually equipped and loaded for each customer and, if required, even for each transport assignment. This is certainly a very far-sighted innovation, especially given the increasingly complex approval procedures for rail vehicles.

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