Home : Products : Consignment : HO Misc. : ACAC55127 - ACME AC55127 - 4pc Passenger Coach Set EuroNight train "Roma"
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    Consignment ACME AC55127 - 4pc Passenger Coach Set EuroNight train "Roma"  

    This item is discontinued at the factory but is still available here.

    Consignment ACAC55127

    Price: $280.68

    System Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    DC HO Italy V FS 1212mm
    Consignment ACAC55127 - ACME AC55127 - 4pc Passenger Coach Set EuroNight train Roma

    Product Features and Details
    HO Scale DC Era V 

    Four coach Euro Night set consisting of two FS Italian coaches, One Swiss and on TEN coach. Set is highly detailed and very limited.

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