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    Consignment Marklin 42999 - Car Set "Autozug"  

    This item is discontinued at the factory but is still available here.

    Consignment MA42999

    Price: $232.28

    System Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    AC HO Germany IV DB 1075mm
    Consignment MA42999 - Marklin 42999 - Car Set Autozug

    Product Features and Details
    HO Scale AC Era IV 

    Prototype: A couchette bcm 243, two sleeping wagons WLABsm 166 and a car transport wagon DDm 915 of the Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB). Operating condition from 1981.

    Model: Car transport car loaded with 6 model cars of the company Brekina. Total length over buffer approx. 107.5 cm. DC wheel set E70 0580.


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