Home : Products : Consignment : Maxi G-Gauge Locomotives & Cars : MA45296 - Marklin ALOISUIS Steam Locomotive with Tender
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    Consignment Marklin ALOISUIS Steam Locomotive with Tender  

    This item is discontinued at the factory but is still available here.

    Consignment MA45296

    Price: $774.36

    System Scale Country Railway Dimensions
    AC 1 Bavaria K.Bay.Sts.B. 48cm
    Consignment MA45296 - Marklin ALOISUIS Steam Locomotive with Tender

    Product Features and Details
    1 Scale AC 

    Special model that includes a nickel-plated tender. The locomotive can be operated with AC power, Marklin Delta, and digital. Drive on three axles via coupling rods, including traction tires. Headlights change with direction of travel. Built-in smoke generator can be switched on and off via a switch in the driver's cab. Minimum radius for operation 23-5/8". Comes in original box. Item is pre-owned and sold as is.

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