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    Consignment Marklin 60174 - Booster for Marklin Central Station 2  

    This item is discontinued at the factory but is still available here.

    Consignment MA60174

    Price: $182.94

    System Scale
    AC HO
    Consignment MA60174 - Marklin 60174 - Booster for Marklin Central Station 2

    Product Features and Details
    HO Scale AC 

    Power amplifier for digitally controlled large-scale systems. Multiprotocol capability in conjunction with the Central Station 60213-60215. Connecting the 7-pin data cable directly to the Central Station 60213-60215. More booster in a system over 60,125 terminals used. Automatic registration at the Central Station 60213-60215. LED status display on Booster and graphically on the display of the Central Station 60213-60215. When using the switching power supply 60061, a maximum output power of 58 VA and a maximum current of 3 A (60215 results with switching power supply 60101 results in a maximum current of 5 A, recommended exclusively first for the track Please make sure the wire size greater than 0.5 mm ² note!). Dimensions 150 x 110 x 80 mm.

    The 60174 Booster is only designed for operation in conjunction with the 60213-60215 Central Stations.

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