Home : Products : Consignment : Z Scale Rolling Stock : MA81835 - Marklin American 4-Piece Passenger Car Set of the Southern Railway
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    Consignment Marklin American 4-Piece Passenger Car Set of the Southern Railway  

    This item is discontinued at the factory but is still available here.

    Consignment MA81835

    Price: $135.48

    System Scale Country Railway
    Consignment MA81835 - Marklin American 4-Piece Passenger Car Set of the Southern Railway

    Product Features and Details
    Z Scale DC 

    This four-piece, passenger car collection is part of the Marklin 81835 starter set that was received bubble-wrapped and incomplete in random Marklin boxes. Since these cars fit together they are being offered as their own mini-set at a reduced price over purchasing them individually. The set comes bubble-wrapped in a random Marklin box. Item is pre-owned and sold as is. 

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