Home : Products : Consignment : Z Scale Locomotives : MA8861A - Marklin American Diesel F7 Locomotive Shells Only Odds & Ends
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    Consignment Marklin American Diesel F7 Locomotive Shells Only Odds & Ends  

    Consignment MA8861A

    Price: This item is no longer available

    Scale Country Railway
    Z USA Various
    Consignment MA8861A - Marklin American Diesel F7 Locomotive Shells Only Odds & Ends

    Product Features and Details
    Z Scale 

    This is a collection of odds and ends that were received in a somewhat random box. According to the original identification number, the box once held a Southern Pacific freight set, which included the Southern Pacific F7 locomotive and the black gondola freight car. It is assumed the Southern Pacific shell and gondola are original to the set. The Milwaukee Road caboose is from a different Marklin set (8139). The Burlington Northern F7 shell is from Marklin model (8863). The Spokane Portland & Seattle F7 shell appears to be a custom paint job of an unidentified model since no record of such a model can be found on the internet. Items are pre-owned and sold as is.

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