Home : Products : Consignment : HO Rivarossi : RI1405 - Rivarossi Italian Electric Locomotive E 428 1st Series of the FS
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    Consignment Rivarossi Italian Electric Locomotive E 428 1st Series of the FS  

    Consignment RI1405

    Price: This item is no longer available

    System Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    DC HO Italy III FS 22cm
    Consignment RI1405 - Rivarossi Italian Electric Locomotive E 428 1st Series of the FS

    Product Features and Details
    HO Scale DC Era III 

    Ran in both directions upon testing, but not cleanly. The interior foam packaging in which the model was stored had fully disintegrated. If interested in purchasing, Reynaulds will give it a cleaning. Comes in original box, but the inner packaging now consists of bubble-wrap and makeshift foam pieces. Item is pre-owned and sold as is.

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