Home : Products : Ferro Train : HOn3z Steam Locomotives : 1001-106 - Austrian Schafbergbahn loco Z6, SKGLB, black
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    Ferro Train Austrian Schafbergbahn loco Z6, SKGLB, black  

    Ferro Train 1001-106

    Price: $355.20

    Scale Country Era Railway
    HOn3z Austria I SKGLB
    Ferro Train 1001-106 - Austrian Schafbergbahn loco Z6, SKGLB, black

    Product Features and Details
    HOn3z Scale Era I 
    HOn3zz model of the Schafberg cog railway locomotive SKGLB Z6, epoch 1-2.Black chassis, black boiler and cab, smlarge steam dome, spring safety valves, straight chimney. Livery and lettering true to original.

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