Home : Products : Ferro Train : HOe Passenger Cars : 708-502 - Austrian ÖBB F3ho/s 8502 2, 3 ax postal car, MzB brown
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    Ferro Train Austrian ÖBB F3ho/s 8502 2, 3 ax postal car, MzB brown  

    Ferro Train 708-502

    Price: $137.60

    Scale Country Railway
    HOe Austria ÖBB
    Ferro Train 708-502 - Austrian ÖBB F3ho/s 8502 2, 3 ax postal car, MzB brown

    Product Features and Details
    HOe Scale 
    Model of the 3-axle postale car, epoch 5,  brown, true to original livery and lettering of ÖBB (nostalgic roster), old post office sign (eagle)

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