Home : Products : Fleischmann : N Scale Passenger Cars : 6260006 - German Express train set of the DRG
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    Fleischmann German Express train set of the DRG  

    Fleischmann 6260006

    Price: $167.90

    Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    N Germany II DRG 535mm
    Fleischmann 6260006 - German Express train set of the DRG

    Product Features and Details
    N Scale Era II 

    Wagon set with three express train coaches and one mail/baggage wagon belonging to the German State Railway Company.

    Consisting of one express train coach 1st/2nd/3rd class, type ABC4ü Pr09, two express train coaches 3rd class, type C4ü-35 and one standard mail and baggage wagon, type PwPost 4ü-28.

    • Suitable for the steam locomotive class 01, Item no. 714503, 714573

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