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    Fleischmann German Electric locomotive 254 017-7 of the DR (Sound Decoder)  

    Fleischmann 7570004

    Price: $341.90

    Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    N Austria IV DR 116mm
    Fleischmann 7570004 - German Electric locomotive 254 017-7 of the DR (Sound Decoder)

    Product Features and Details
    N Scale Era IV 6 Pin Includes a digital decoder Includes a sound effect 

    Electric locomotive 254 017 of the railway company of the German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Reichsbahn).

    • With free-standing handle rails on the front hoods
    • Delicately-crafted pantographs
    • Metal die-cast chassis
    • Digitally switchable sound functions

    With their distinctive construction, the locomotives of the E 94 series were one of the most famous electric locomotives in Germany. With a sensible construction, it was also proven that speeds of up to 100 km/h could be achieved with a rigid frame drive. The power output of the E 94 was a respectable 3,240 kW, with an acceleration performance of even 3,900 kW. The remaining locomotives after the war were disrespectfully referred to as "Iron Pigs" by the DR.

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