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    Fleischmann 3 piece set Eurofima coaches  

    Fleischmann 881902

    Price: $121.90

    Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    N Czech Republic VI Private 495mm
    Fleischmann 881902 - 3 piece set Eurofima coaches

    Product Features and Details
    N Scale Era VI 

    3 piece set Eurofima wagons of the Czech railway company RegioJet.

    ¦ True to original livery and lettering
    ¦ In-plane assembled windows

    The "Regiojet" (also RJ or RGJ) is a private railway company in the Czech Republic based in Brno. It is a daughter company of the"Student Agency" which cooperates with the company Keolis. The company also offers long-distance bus travel services and is also represented in Germany on the Berlin-Dresden-Prague route. On December 10 2017, the long-distance traffic was extended as well and with the destinations Vienna-Brno-Prague, "Regiojet" can also offer connections in Austria now.

    General data
    - Interior lighting Article number - 946901
    - Interior fitting - Model with interior furnishing
    - Interior fitting - Interior lighting can be retrofitted

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