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    Kato HobbyTrain Lemke Plasser&Theurer Gleisstopfmaschine Digital  

    Kato HobbyTrain Lemke H23511D

    Price: $199.90

    Scale Country Era Railway
    N Various IV Various
    Kato HobbyTrain Lemke H23511D - Plasser&Theurer Gleisstopfmaschine Digital

    Product Features and Details
    N Scale Era IV Includes a digital decoder 

    Tamping machine

    Model Features:

    • 5-pin motor
    • Power consumption over all driven axles
    • Digital decoder

    In 1971, Plasser and Theurer launched the 07 series of the Gleissopfmaschine. The modern machine concept for the ever-increasing fast-track distances and the ever-shorter train pauses. Leveling, straightening and tamping machine in one. This track-laying machine has been used in many countries, including DB and private companies.

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