Home : Products : Liliput : N Scale Rolling Stock : 260134 - 3pc Freight Car Set type Hbes-63 Vlmms
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    Liliput 3pc Freight Car Set type Hbes-63 Vlmms  

    Liliput 260134

    Price: $108.43

    Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    N Germany III DB 244mm
    Liliput 260134 - 3pc Freight Car Set type Hbes-63 Vlmms

    Product Features and Details
    N Scale Era III 

    3pc set of Häger-63 Vlmms set of the Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB), era III. Version with brakeman's platform, operating state 1961. Operating no. 332 276, 332 298 and 332 308.

    Models with coupling adapter according to NEM 355 and short coupling kinematics. Recommended minimum radius: 192 mm.

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