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    Marklin DB cl Klv 20 Small Car, Era III  

    Marklin 88025

    Price: This item is no longer available

    Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    Z Germany III DB 21.7mm
    Marklin 88025 - DB  cl Klv 20 Small Car, Era III

    Product Features and Details
    Z Scale Era III 

    Prototype: German Federal Railroad (DB) class Klv 20 small car, VW T1 van (VW Bulli). The unit looks as it did in Era III.

    Model: This is completely new tooling for a class Klv 20. The model has very fine imprinting. It comes with a motor with a bell-shaped armature. Both axles powered. The body is made of plastic filled with metal. The wheels have dark nickel-plated treads. Length 21.7 mm / 7/8".


    • Completely new tooling.
    • Mechanism includes a motor with a bell-shaped armature.
    • Body made of plastic filled with metal.

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