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    Piko German Electric Locomotive BR E 16 of the DB  

    Piko 40355

    Price: $220.14

    Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    N Germany III DB 102mm
    Piko 40355 - German Electric Locomotive BR E 16 of the DB

    Product Features and Details
    N Scale Era III Next18 

    Model: The model of the legendary BR E 16 electric locomotive impresses with its coherent paintwork and printing as well as a precise engraving of the housing and an exact representation of the striking Buchli drives. In addition, the PIKO BR 116 has fine spoke wheelsets which, with the filigree roof equipment, the pantographs, and the specially attached handlebars, contribute to an authentic overall impression of the model. The locomotive has excellent running properties and is equipped with a modern Next18 interface and red/white light change.

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