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    Piko Czech Electric locomotive BR 187 of the EP Cargo  

    Piko 51588

    Price: $186.99

    Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    HO Czech Republic VI CD 217mm
    Piko 51588 - Czech Electric locomotive BR 187 of the EP Cargo

    Product Features and Details
    HO Scale Era VI 

    Electric locomotive BR 187 of the EP Cargo, epoch VI

    - novelty 2020 -

    The 187 series, as the first representative of Bombardier's third Traxx series, embodies a state-of-the-art electric bogie locomotive for systems with 15 kV and 16.7 Hz and 25 kV 50 Hz AC. The locomotive was developed based on constructive experience with the American hybrid locomotive ALP-45DP. The private EVU EP Cargo uses the BR 187 in freight transport.

    PIKO sound decoder # 56445 can be retrofitted.

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