Home : Products : Piko : HO Scale Passenger Wagons : 97617 - Polish PKP coach type 104A, Era V
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    Piko Polish PKP coach type 104A, Era V  

    Piko 97617

    Price: $68.84

    Scale Era Railway Dimensions
    HO V PKP 282 mm
    Piko 97617 - Polish PKP coach type 104A, Era V

    Product Features and Details
    HO Scale Era V 
    Neuheit 2021:polnischer Personenwagen vom Typ 104A der Epoche V
    Item number:97617
    type of current:Gleichstrom
    railway administration:PKP
    kind of measurement:L�P / L�nge �ber Puffer
    minimum radius:358
    Interior Lighting / Lights:Innenbeleuchtung nachr�stbar mit #56284
    Coupling:NEM Schacht + Kurzkupplungskulisse
    age recommendation:ab 14 Jahren

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