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    Roco PluX22 decoder feedback enabled  

    Roco 10883

    Price: $46.96

    System Scale
    DC HO
    Roco 10883 - PluX22 decoder feedback enabled

    Product Features and Details
    HO Scale DC 

    New decoder feedback enabled with 22-pin plug, upgradeable, multi-protocol operation possible, motor controller, distance controlled braking and stopping, programmable locomotive addresses, NMRA compatible, allows easy change of operation parameters which means the locomotive needs not to be opened, overcurrent protection, RailCom*.

    • Functions: 2 x headlights, 7 x function
    • Dimensions: 20 x 15 x 3,5 mm
    • Technical features: motor 1000mA, functions 800mA (in total). Total: 1000mA

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