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    Roco PluX 22 Sound Decoder with Feedback  

    Roco 10891

    Price: $101.90

    Roco 10891 - PluX 22 Sound Decoder with Feedback

    Product Features and Details

    Sound decoder with 22-pole plug; can be updated; multiprotocol operation possible; motor control; braking tracks supported; locomotive addresses programmable; NMRA-compatible; comfortable change of operating parameters possible: i.e. the locomotive does not have to be opened; overcurrent protection; RailCom

    Decoder specifications: DCC + RailCom, DC analogue, MM, AC analogue Dimensions: 30 x 15 x 4mm; 1.2A motor, total (peak 2.5A); 9 function outputs; 2 outputs for additional functions, servo control cables or SUSI; Function low voltage 5V (200mA); External energy storage (16V) directly connectable; 3 Watt audio, 4-8 Ohm, 32Mbit, 6 channels

    Corresponds to: ZIMO MX645P22

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