Home : Products : Roco : HO Passenger Cars : 74572 - Swiss 2nd class fast train car EW II of the SBB
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    Roco Swiss 2nd class fast train car EW II of the SBB  

    Roco 74572

    Price: $65.89

    System Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    DC HO Switzerland V SBB 282mm
    Roco 74572 - Swiss 2nd class fast train car EW II of the SBB

    Product Features and Details
    HO Scale DC Era V 

    Model: 2nd class fast train coach EW II of the Swiss Federal Railways. Optical revision with fine details. Completely revised train access. Precise illustration of steps and handles. Detailed illustration of the roof engravings. Art. no. 74571 and 74573: modified running number

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