Home : Products : Trix : N Freight Cars : 15799 - 3pc High-Capacity Sliding Wall Car Set "Swiss Post Inc"
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    Trix 3pc High-Capacity Sliding Wall Car Set "Swiss Post Inc"  

    Trix 15799

    Price: This item is no longer available

    Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    N Switzerland VI SBB 435mm
    Trix 15799 - 3pc High-Capacity Sliding Wall Car Set Swiss Post Inc

    Product Features and Details
    N Scale Era VI 

    Prototype: 3 type Habbiillnss high-capacity sliding wall boxcars. Privately owned by the firm Wascosa, leased to the Swiss Post, Inc. All of the cars have different advertising decoration. The cars look as they did in 2016.

    Model: The cars have close coupler mechanisms. All of the cars have different car numbers. Total length over the buffers 435 mm / 17-1/8".


    • Current look.
    • Attractive, poster-style decoration.

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