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    Viessmann H0 Digital semaphore home signal,with 2 uncoupled arms  

    Viessmann 4702

    Price: $102.95

    Viessmann 4702 - H0 Digital semaphore home signal,with 2 uncoupled arms

    Product Features and Details
    HO Scale 
    With filigree latticed brass mast, authentic varnishing, printed signal arm, powerful low noise drive and integrated multi protocol digital decoder for DCC/MM. Slow signal movement due to special underfloor drive unit. Even authentic single bouncing is individually adjustable. By factory setting a slow bouncing is adjusted. The compact overfloor drive is only 5 mm high and includes a decoder placed on the signal mast base. Maintenance free by LED lighting. Suitable for analogue and digital use. Signal pictures Hp0, Hp1 and Hp2. Height: 98 mm.

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