Home : Products : Viessmann : HO Scale Lights : 6025 - H0 Street light Avantgarde, LED warm-white
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    Viessmann H0 Street light Avantgarde, LED warm-white  

    Viessmann 6025

    Price: $19.95

    Scale Dimensions
    HO 75mm
    Viessmann 6025 - H0 Street light Avantgarde, LED warm-white

    Product Features and Details
    HO Scale 

    Modern street luminaire with plate reflector for a spacious and diffuse illumination.You can see the original in the government sector of Berlin e.g. and on modern stations. Equipped with maintenance free LED's. Operating voltage14 -16 V AC/DC. Patent-plug- in socket. Height: 75 mm. Hint: suitable power module 5215

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