Product Features and Details
The remote control facilitates the control of the CarMotion vehicles on the layout as well as simple settings at the vehicle. For this purpose the remote control is directed towards the front part of the vehicle where its infrared sensors are located. Distances larger than 50 cm require a very precise alignment of the remote control with the vehicle. Under favourable conditions a distance of up to 1 m is possible. The device is designed for a local control of the vehicles - driving on sight, so to speak. It can be used to start a vehicle - even from an active stop coil - and to stop it at any time. Furthermore, it is possible to set the vehicle speed and other vehicle functions such as lighting, blinking lights etc. For these basic configurations, it is not necessary to connect the vehicle to the programming device. Moreover, the remote control complements the vehicle control via the magnet arrangement underneath the roadway - thus the user can carry out complex operations and has further options to intervene.