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Artmaster Price List

Item #DescriptionListing Price
Artmaster 10173 Lighthouse Kampen on the island of Sylt $53.82
Artmaster 180007 anti-aircraft position with protective bunker $28.62
Artmaster 180009 Heavy 88mm anti-aircraft gun position (w/o anti-aircraft gun ) $25.02
Artmaster 180010 Tank barricades (6 per pack) $8.82
Artmaster 180028 HECHT one-man submarine $46.62
Artmaster 180034 Concrete sea-wall (2 pieces + a corner) $25.02
Artmaster 180035 Concrete sea-wall extension (2 pieces) $14.22
Artmaster 180062 180062 $30.42
Artmaster 180082 Wooden crate set I $8.82
Artmaster 180083 Wooden crate set II $8.82
Artmaster 180084 Wooden crate set III $8.82
Artmaster 180085 Wooden anti-aircraft gun position (w/o anti-aircraft gun) $39.42
Artmaster 180087 Sandbag position, round $8.82
Artmaster 180088 Sandbag position, rectangular $8.82
Artmaster 180089 Anti-aircraft gun sandbag position $10.62
Artmaster 180090 Sandbag walls (4 per pack) $10.62
Artmaster 180093 Firing position, small $12.42
Artmaster 180135 Picket boat $50.22
Artmaster 180136 Guard house $39.42
Artmaster 180137 Machine shop $86.22
Artmaster 180159 Barbed wire (photo etched) $16.02
Artmaster 180173 Wheels (photo etched) $7.02
Artmaster 180223 Set of crates VI $10.62
Artmaster 180226 Munitions set for sIG 33mm heavy infantry gun $8.82
Artmaster 180228 Warehouse building $68.22
Artmaster 180229 Sheetmetal hut $35.82
Artmaster 180231 Military tents (3 per pack) $12.42
Artmaster 180250 Submarine Class II B (portion above the waterline) TBA
Artmaster 180263 Fire-control bunker $35.82
Artmaster 180266 Ruins of a farmhouse $35.82
Artmaster 180268 Ruins of a schoolhouse $48.42
Artmaster 180270 Ring-shaped position (open) $12.42
Artmaster 180283 Rowboat $17.82
Artmaster 180284 Torpedo warehouse TBA
Artmaster 180285 Bremen lighthouse / jetty house $89.82
Artmaster 180286 2000 ton crane $134.82
Artmaster 180287 Walls and gates $28.62
Artmaster 180288 Harbor tug TBA
Artmaster 180290 Command boat $50.22
Artmaster 180291 Submarine Class II B (complete hull) TBA
Artmaster 180292 Diver $23.22
Artmaster 180293 Submarine "aces" $23.22
Artmaster 180294 Navy guards $23.22
Artmaster 180295 Corpsmen $23.22
Artmaster 180296 Longshoreman I $23.22
Artmaster 180297 Longshoreman II $23.22
Artmaster 180298 Harbor command TBA
Artmaster 180299 Dockwalls and deckplates $59.22
Artmaster 180300 Steps for dock $25.02
Artmaster 180301 Dock gate TBA
Artmaster 180302 Cobblestone pavement $39.42
Artmaster 180303 Section of concrete street with in-laid rails $39.42
Artmaster 180304 Dock foundation $43.02
Artmaster 180305 Dock accessories $28.62
Artmaster 180306 Torpedos and accessories (loads) $39.42
Artmaster 180307 Mines $23.22
Artmaster 180308 Crates, Barrels, Cable-drums TBA
Artmaster 180309 Railings, mooring bollards TBA
Artmaster 180310 Lettering set for a building TBA
Artmaster 180311 Watchpost w/ accessories $21.42
Artmaster 180315 Tobruk bunker w/ FT 17 turret (French design) $16.02
Artmaster 180316 Seawall, sandstone, (2 per pack) $21.42
Artmaster 180317 Seawall, pile wall (2 per pack) $34.02
Artmaster 180318 Command bunker / half-relief $44.82
Artmaster 180319 Ring-shaped foundation for 50mm fortress mortar (Design 61A) Festungsgranatwerfer (Bauform 61A) $28.62
Artmaster 180320 German State Railroad (1920-1949) shed $32.22
Artmaster 180330 Sailboat $17.82
Artmaster 180331 Old Locks TBA
Artmaster 180342 Watch personnel with bicycles $23.22
Artmaster 180350 Expansion piece for dock wall $19.62
Artmaster 180352 Small watch post $10.62
Artmaster 180355 Divers launch $50.22
Artmaster 180364 Bunker for 37mm anti-aircraft gun $34.02
Artmaster 180368 Seawall, sandstone, corners (2 per pack) $21.42
Artmaster 180369 Seawall, sandstone, steps (1 per pack) $16.02
Artmaster 180370 Seawall, sandstone, jetty (2 per pack) $32.22
Artmaster 180396 Deck crew figures I $34.02
Artmaster 180397 Deck crew figures 2 $34.02
Artmaster 180401 Bouys TBA
Artmaster 180402 Set of chains and cables $10.62
Artmaster 180403 Crate set V $12.42
Artmaster 180404 Munitions set for 50mm gun $8.82
Artmaster 180405 Fortress cannon $23.22
Artmaster 180407 "Czech hedgehogs" $8.82
Artmaster 180408 "Dragons teeth" $17.82
Artmaster 180409 Small ranging station for coastal batteries TBA
Artmaster 180410 Submarine pen - seawall (2 per pack) $21.42
Artmaster 180411 Submarine pen - walls (2 per pack) $21.42
Artmaster 180412 Submarine pen - flooring TBA
Artmaster 180413 Submarine pen - columns (2 per pack) $39.42
Artmaster 180414 Submarine pen - roof TBA
Artmaster 180415 Hangar $53.82
Artmaster 180416 Airfield steel plated TBA
Artmaster 180417 Electronics for lighthouse and buoys $25.02
Artmaster 180418 Class VII C submarine (portion above the waterline) $269.82
Artmaster 180419 Class XXIII submarine (portion above the waterline) TBA
Artmaster 180420 Torpedo boat crew 1 $17.82
Artmaster 180421 Torpedo boat crew 2 $17.82
Artmaster 180422 Torpedo boat crew 3 $17.82
Artmaster 180430 Bunker for heavy anti-aircraft gun $41.22
Artmaster 180432 Set of crates VI TBA
Artmaster 180445 Munitions set for 88mm gun $21.42
Artmaster 180452 Navy figures 1 $21.42
Artmaster 180453 Navy figures 2 $21.42
Artmaster 180472 Ring-shaped foundation for 50mm fortress mortar (Design 61A) $17.82
Artmaster 180474 Lighthouse $28.62
Artmaster 180475 Pile wall, concrete, straight (2 per pack) $23.22
Artmaster 180476 Pile wall, concrete, right angles (2 per pack) $23.22
Artmaster 180477 Pile wall, concrete w/ mooring posts, straight (2 per pack) $28.62
Artmaster 180478 Pile wall, concrete w/ mooring posts, right angles (2 per pack) $28.62
Artmaster 180479 Seawall, concrete straight (2 per pack) $19.62
Artmaster 180480 Seawall, concrete, right angles (2 per pack) $19.62
Artmaster 180481 Seawall, concrete, steps (1 per pack/for all seawalls) $16.02
Artmaster 180482 Concrete seawall, Navy, straight (2 per pack) $16.02
Artmaster 180483 Concrete seawall, Navy, jetty $32.22
Artmaster 180485 Section of concrete street TBA
Artmaster 180486 Anti-tank trap $12.42
Artmaster 180487 Standard design 681 machine-gun bunker $46.62
Artmaster 180512 Submarine pen portal TBA
Artmaster 312.027 Trailer E3 3t DDR $26.28
Artmaster 60624 Rescue Shed TBA
Artmaster 70000 Weathering powder / set of 12 colors $27.90
Artmaster 7000112 Individual weathering powders nos. 1-12 $2.88
Artmaster 70020 Special brush set (5 brushes) $21.42
Artmaster 70025 Fine brush set (5 brushes) $21.42
Artmaster 70050 Saw w/ 2 blades $16.02
Artmaster 70051 Replacement blade for saw $4.50
Artmaster 70060 Paint assortment for bunkers $16.02
Artmaster 70061 Paint assortment for ships $16.02
Artmaster 70062 Paint assortment for buildings $16.02
Artmaster 70063 Paint assortment forGerman military vehicles $16.02
Artmaster 70100 Fast-setting adhesive $8.10
Artmaster 70160 Acrylic Color Set for Concrete, Bunker and Iron TBA
Artmaster 70163 Acrylic Color Set for German Military Vehicles WK II TBA
Artmaster 70164 Acrylic Color Set for Street and Walls TBA
Artmaster 70190 Filler Putty TBA
Artmaster 70191 Matt Varnish TBA
Artmaster 70192 Sand TBA
Artmaster 70193 Foam TBA
Artmaster 70200 Professional files set (6 files) $12.51
Artmaster 70300 Water TBA
Artmaster 71001 Replacement kit for close-coupling of railroad cars $8.91
Artmaster 71002 Modification kit for armoured railroad cars $10.71
Artmaster 71003 Set of decals for modifying armoured trains $8.91
Artmaster 73210 Railing Posts TBA
Artmaster 73211 Railing Posts TBA
Artmaster 73301 Rigging Yarn 0.15mm TBA
Artmaster 73302 Rigging Yarn 0.4mm TBA
Artmaster 73303 Rigging Yarn 0.8mm TBA
Artmaster 75101 Electronics for Lighthouse and Buoy TBA
Artmaster 75102 Electronic for Port and Industry TBA
Artmaster 75103 Electronic Military TBA
Artmaster 80.593 Large Junkers Crate $11.95
Artmaster 80000 Artmaster color catalog $12.60
Artmaster 80003 22mm anti-aircraft gun bunker (w/o gun) $26.82
Artmaster 80004 Atlantic Wall anti-aircraft bunker (w/o anti-aircraft gun) $26.82
Artmaster 80005 Tobruk bunker $17.82
Artmaster 80006 Machine-gun bunker (w/o machine gun) $19.62
Artmaster 80007 Anti-aircraft gun position w/ protective bunker (w/o anti-aircraft gun) $26.82
Artmaster 80009 88mm heavy anti-aircraft position (w/o anti-aircraft gun) $25.02
Artmaster 80010 Tank barriers $8.82
Artmaster 80011 Tobruk bunker w/ tank turret $19.62
Artmaster 80012 Armoured railcar No 16 (unpowered) $179.82
Artmaster 80013 Armoured railcar No 16 (powered) $323.82
Artmaster 80014 DUENABURG tank destroyer railroad car $48.42
Artmaster 80015 Tank destroyer railroad car w/ Pz IV turret $50.22
Artmaster 80016 Deflection railroad car $41.22
Artmaster 80017 Track destruction car $32.22
Artmaster 80018 Armoured speeder w/ Pz IV turret $50.22
Artmaster 80019 Armoured speeder for infantry $50.22
Artmaster 80020 STEYR armoured speeder $44.82
Artmaster 80021 Railroad car with ramp for transporting tanks $44.82
Artmaster 80022 Heavy anti-aircraft rr-car w/ 88mm anti-aircraft gun $143.82
Artmaster 80023 Infantry flatcar w/ iron armour $43.02
Artmaster 80024 Anti-aircraft rr-car w/ one concrete-pipe bunker (w/ anti-aircraft gun) $62.82
Artmaster 80025 Anti-aircraft rr-car w/ two concrete-pipe bunkers (w/ anti-aircraft gun) $68.22
Artmaster 80026 WWI artillery rr-car $71.82
Artmaster 80027 88mm anti-aircraft gun covered by tarp (load) $14.22
Artmaster 80028 HECHT midget submarine (hull) $46.62
Artmaster 80030 Torpedo boat armament $14.22
Artmaster 80034 Concrete seawall $25.02
Artmaster 80035 Expansion set for concrete seewall (2 per pack( $14.22
Artmaster 80036 Railroad flatcar for armament transport $35.82
Artmaster 80037 Armoured artillery railcar No. 17-23 $62.82
Artmaster 80038 Power unit (rtr) for Article Nos 80018 and 80019 $104.22
Artmaster 80039 Power unit (rtr) for Article No 80037 $107.82
Artmaster 80040 20mm anti-aircraft gun on a shipboard mount $11.70
Artmaster 80042 20mm anti-aircraft gun barrel, turned brass (4 per pack) $8.82
Artmaster 80043 37mm anti-aircraft gun barrel, turned brass (2 per pack) $8.82
Artmaster 80044 Machineshop modification kit for the Opel BLITZ $26.82
Artmaster 80050 37mm anti-aircraft gun $26.82
Artmaster 80057 Decals: (007 + 212 222 231) $9.95
Artmaster 80061 Lookout bunker $9.90
Artmaster 80062 Fortified gun emplacement $30.42
Artmaster 80069 Dutch DAF M 39 armoured car $35.82
Artmaster 80073 Westwall fortified gun emplacement $37.62
Artmaster 80074 Heavy machine gun bunker $37.62
Artmaster 80075 Bunker for a 75mm anti-tank gun $53.82
Artmaster 80076 Heavy equipment suite (generator) $16.02
Artmaster 80079 Tank transport rr-car (former Russian broadguage) $48.42
Artmaster 80080 Flatcar (former Russian broadguage) $48.42
Artmaster 80081 2 small bunkers w/ tank turret $14.22
Artmaster 80082 Wooden crates Set I $8.82
Artmaster 80083 Wooden crates Set II $8.82
Artmaster 80084 Wooden crates Set III $8.82
Artmaster 80085 Wooden anti-aircraft gun postion (88mm anti-aircraft gun not included) $35.82
Artmaster 80086 PANTHER position $10.62
Artmaster 80087 Sand-bagged postion, round $8.82
Artmaster 80088 Sand-bagged postion, rectangular) $8.82
Artmaster 80089 Sand-bagged anti-aircraft gun postion, (anti-aircraft gun not included) $10.62
Artmaster 80090 Sandbag walls (4 per pack) $10.62
Artmaster 80091 Tank ferry IV $48.42
Artmaster 80092 BIBER midget submarine $46.62
Artmaster 80093 Small firing position $12.42
Artmaster 80094 75mm munition set $26.82
Artmaster 80095 280mm Railroad-gun "Short Bruno" TBA
Artmaster 80097 Steyr 1500 bus $34.02
Artmaster 80098 Steyr 1500 flatbed truck $34.02
Artmaster 80099 Buessing NAG truck $62.82
Artmaster 80100 Soviet BMP-1A1 armoured personel carrier $30.42
Artmaster 80101 Soviet BMP-1, Afghanistan version $30.42
Artmaster 80102 Soviet BMP-1 KSh (command and staff version) $30.42
Artmaster 80104 PANTHER tank destoyer $44.82
Artmaster 80105 MAUS assault tank $46.62
Artmaster 80106 MAUS anti-aircraft tank $46.62
Artmaster 80107 MAUS assault tank $46.62
Artmaster 80108 E-100 anti-aircraft tank $46.62
Artmaster 80111 KARL mortar for railroad use $161.10
Artmaster 80112 Armoured munitions transporter $44.82
Artmaster 80113 Flat car for transport of the MAUS tank $89.82
Artmaster 80114 Tatra T 18 speeder $44.82
Artmaster 80115 Sentinel truck w/ hoist $48.42
Artmaster 80116 Sentinel flatbed truck $48.42
Artmaster 80117 Fries crane for armoured vehicle repair $64.62
Artmaster 80118 Freya radar station $79.02
Artmaster 80121 Load: truck under tarp $14.22
Artmaster 80122 Panhard armoured reconnaissance vehicle (for use on rail/French design) $41.22
Artmaster 80123 Panhard armoured reconnaissance vehicle (for road use/French design) $41.22
Artmaster 80126 MATTERHORN 21mm mortar $53.82
Artmaster 80127 MATTERHORN 17mm mortar $53.82
Artmaster 80128 TIGER I tank loaded as rr-transport (complete model) $46.62
Artmaster 80131 Light tank destroyer w/ anti-aircraft gun $28.62
Artmaster 80133 Bunker of the Ijssel line $26.82
Artmaster 80134 Harbor crane $62.82
Artmaster 80135 Picket boat (follow-on item) $48.42
Artmaster 80136 Watch building $35.82
Artmaster 80137 Machine shop building $86.22
Artmaster 80138 Military fishing cutter $197.82
Artmaster 80139 Bremerhaven lighthouse $89.82
Artmaster 80143 Henckel 111 medium bomber $64.62
Artmaster 80144 Focker-Wolff 190 D-9 jet fighter $43.02
Artmaster 80145 Focker-Wolff 190 A-8 jet fighter $43.02
Artmaster 80146 Junker 88 bomber $62.82
Artmaster 80148 MBW-2 Russian armoured speeder $86.22
Artmaster 80150 Russian speeder KRASNAYA ZVEZDA (RED STAR) $71.82
Artmaster 80155 FAMO 18-ton heavy half-track artillery towing vehicle $48.42
Artmaster 80158 FAMO armoured vehicle w/ 88mm anti-aircraft gun $52.02
Artmaster 80159 Barbed wire (photo etched) $16.02
Artmaster 80161 WWI armoured T9.3 locomotive (tank engine) $43.02
Artmaster 80162 WWI auxilliary tender $50.22
Artmaster 80163 WWI Car 2 - command car $52.02
Artmaster 80164 WWI Car 3 - artillery car 1 $53.82
Artmaster 80165 WWI Car 3 - artillery car 2 $53.82
Artmaster 80166 WWI Car 6 - machine gun car $53.82
Artmaster 80167 WWI Car 8 - personnell car $52.02
Artmaster 80168 WWI Car 6 - Leuna tank car $53.82
Artmaster 80169 SEETEUFEL 2-man tracked, amphibious midget 2-man submarine $46.62
Artmaster 80170 GOLIATH tracked remote-controlled explosive vehicle $16.02
Artmaster 80172 NSU Mobile bomb $16.02
Artmaster 80173 Wheels turned by hand (photo etched) $7.02
Artmaster 80174 Railings (2 versions / photo etched) $16.02
Artmaster 80184 TIGER tank destroyer $50.22
Artmaster 80188 Anti-aircraft gun vehicle $125.82
Artmaster 80189 Heavy Russian armoured railroad car $89.82
Artmaster 80190 Armoured German Armed Forces Ground Forces Diesel switch engine $179.82
Artmaster 80191 Armoured German Armed Forces Ground Forces Diesel switch engine (w/ drive) $341.82
Artmaster 80192 Munitions set for assault TIGER $14.22
Artmaster 80193 Fieseler small liaison aircraft $43.02
Artmaster 80194 Magirus forestry towing vehicle RS 1500 $32.22
Artmaster 80195 Renault Ambulance TBA
Artmaster 80196 Fieseler small liaison aircraft on a flatcar $59.22
Artmaster 80197 Bunker w/ anti-aircraft gun $37.62
Artmaster 80198 Bunker w/ Tank IV turret $37.62
Artmaster 80199 Small anti-aircraft gun postion for a 20mm anti-aircraft gun $12.42
Artmaster 80200 4-barrel anti-aircraft gun unit $17.82
Artmaster 80201 Li 51 cutter $143.82
Artmaster 80202 Dorchester $53.82
Artmaster 80203 Rommel figure set (5 pieces) $12.42
Artmaster 80204 Goering Volkswagen "Bug" $19.62
Artmaster 80205 Figure set of Reichsmarschall Goering (5 pieces) $12.42
Artmaster 80207 Decals for WWI armoured train (Nrs. 80161-168) $10.62
Artmaster 80208 FERDINAND TIGER heavy assault tank, loaded for rr-transport $53.82
Artmaster 80209 Phaenomen GRANIT truck $44.82
Artmaster 80210 Zeppelin railroad armoured speeder $35.82
Artmaster 80211 Generator for the LEOPARD / K5 heavy railroad artillery gun $35.82
Artmaster 80212 Munitions set for K5 gun $16.02
Artmaster 80213 20mm double anti-aircraft gun on a shipboard mount $12.42
Artmaster 80214 20mm anti-aircraft gun (plastic kit) $8.82
Artmaster 80215 Ships crew $16.02
Artmaster 80216 Steam pinasse TBA
Artmaster 80217 Harbor detail set TBA
Artmaster 80218 Unarmed amphibious tractor $48.42
Artmaster 80219 Tank destroyer IV intermediate version $43.02
Artmaster 80220 SdKfz 234/1 8-wheeled reconnaissance vehicle w/ fighting vehicle cannon $35.82
Artmaster 80221 TIGER assault tank $35.82
Artmaster 80222 TIGER assault tank loaded on rr-transport $44.82
Artmaster 80223 Wooden crates Set IV $10.62
Artmaster 80224 WWI Car 5 open infantry railroad car $52.02
Artmaster 80225 Artillery car I for light anti-aircraft gun $89.82
Artmaster 80226 Munitions set for SiG 33 infantry gun $8.82
Artmaster 80227 Rescue motorboat "Privy Councillor Satori" TBA
Artmaster 80228 Warehouse $62.82
Artmaster 80229 Sheetmetal hut $35.82
Artmaster 80230 Lift bridge $48.42
Artmaster 80231 Military tents (3 pieces) $12.42
Artmaster 80232 Munitions vehicle for the "Fat Max" self-propelled gun $43.02
Artmaster 80233 Bunker w/ 35-ton turret $21.42
Artmaster 80234 Airdefense tower of the WINKEL type $32.22
Artmaster 80235 4x4 Reconnaissance vehicle (French design) TBA
Artmaster 80236 Car w/ captured enemy tank $89.82
Artmaster 80237 Hoist $12.42
Artmaster 80238 Trailer for aircraft $21.42
Artmaster 80239 Ford 3-ton truck with hoist $41.22
Artmaster 80240 Mercedes-Benz 6-wheeled limousine and staff car $35.82
Artmaster 80241 Czech-made 35 tank $34.02
Artmaster 80242 Alkett mine clearing vehicle $43.02
Artmaster 80243 Assault tank BRUMMBAER with anti-magnetic-mine coating $41.22
Artmaster 80244 Czech-made 35 tank mortar towing vehicle $34.02
Artmaster 80245 Demag w/ 75mm anti-tank gun $34.02
Artmaster 80246 Crew for 20mm anti-aircraft gun and anti-aircraft vehicle $16.02
Artmaster 80247 Figures for an armoured speeder along with accessories $14.22
Artmaster 80248 Double machine-gun w/ gunner $10.62
Artmaster 80249 Trippel amphibious vehicle for the German Gound Forces / SS $30.42
Artmaster 80250 Submarine Class II B (portion above the waterline) $116.82
Artmaster 80251 Standard diesel, radio-van superstructure $34.02
Artmaster 80252 75mm anti-tank cannon 40 L/46 on a Hotchkiss vehicle $34.02
Artmaster 80253 Horch passenger car w/ radio van $28.62
Artmaster 80254 Ital tank M 40 $30.42
Artmaster 80255 "LINSE" boat, (filled with explosives to be used as a torpedo) $28.62
Artmaster 80256 Iron tank traps $8.82
Artmaster 80257 Landing craft LCM 3 $59.22
Artmaster 80258 8-wheel amphibious vehicle $48.42
Artmaster 80259 WWI armoured T9.3 locomotive (tank engine) $21.51
Artmaster 80260 Tank destroyer armoured railcar 50-55 $89.82
Artmaster 80261 Large Winkelturm air-raid shelter TBA
Artmaster 80262 Auxilliary anti-aircraft gun car $50.22
Artmaster 80263 Fire-control bunker $35.82
Artmaster 80264 HETZER light tank destroyer $30.42
Artmaster 80265 HETZER light tank destroyer G 13 of the Swizz Army $34.02
Artmaster 80266 Farmhouse ruin $35.82
Artmaster 80267 Beirut ruins $35.82
Artmaster 80268 Ruins of a school $48.42
Artmaster 80269 Pz 35 tank command vehicle (Czech design) $34.02
Artmaster 80270 Bunker for light anti-aircraft gun $12.42
Artmaster 80271 DUCK amphibious vehicle $30.42
Artmaster 80272 Window armour / Modification kit for a command vehicle $19.62
Artmaster 80273 Officer figures w/ distance-measuring equipment $14.22
Artmaster 80274 Hamburg Harbor barge TBA
Artmaster 80275 "Roter Sand" (Red Sand) Lighthouse TBA
Artmaster 80276 Speeder with anti-aircraft gun turret $50.22
Artmaster 80277 Tank IV E w/ 75mm tank gun L/33 (prototype from 1941) $34.02
Artmaster 80278 Tank IV E w/ 75mm tank gun L/24 $34.02
Artmaster 80279 Cityhall ruins $31.95
Artmaster 80280 Russian artillery vehicle T28 TBA
Artmaster 80281 WWI Car 10 - w/ Cruson turret $50.22
Artmaster 80282 Iraq ruine TBA
Artmaster 80283 Rowboat $17.82
Artmaster 80284 Torpedo depot TBA
Artmaster 80285 Lighthouse BREMEN / harbor jetty house II (south view) $89.82
Artmaster 80286 2000 kilogram crane $125.82
Artmaster 80287 Walls and Gates TBA
Artmaster 80288 Harbor tug TBA
Artmaster 80289 WWI Car 7 - machine gun car (long) $53.82
Artmaster 80290 Command boat $46.62
Artmaster 80291 Submarine Class II B (complete hull) $125.82
Artmaster 80292 Divers $21.42
Artmaster 80293 Submarine "aces" $21.42
Artmaster 80294 Navy guards $21.42
Artmaster 80295 Corpsmen $21.42
Artmaster 80296 Longshoreman I $21.42
Artmaster 80297 Longshoreman II $21.42
Artmaster 80298 Harbor Command TBA
Artmaster 80299 Dock walls $50.22
Artmaster 80300 Steps for dock $23.22
Artmaster 80301 Dock gate $53.95
Artmaster 80302 Cobblestone pavement TBA
Artmaster 80303 Section of concrete street with in-laid rails TBA
Artmaster 80304 Dock foundation $39.42
Artmaster 80305 Dock accessories $26.82
Artmaster 80306 Torpedos and accessories (loads) $28.62
Artmaster 80307 Mines $21.42
Artmaster 80308 Crates, Barrels, Cable-drums TBA
Artmaster 80309 Railings, mooring bollards TBA
Artmaster 80310 Lettering set for a building TBA
Artmaster 80311 Watch post, accessories $21.42
Artmaster 80312 Harbor ferry $46.62
Artmaster 80313 Open ring-shaped bed w/ 150mm torpedo-boat cannon $53.82
Artmaster 80314 Open ring-shaped bed w/ 152mm cannon (Soviet design) $53.82
Artmaster 80315 Tobruk bunker w/ Renault FT 17 tank turret $16.02
Artmaster 80316 Sandstone seawall (2 pieces plus flooring) $21.42
Artmaster 80317 Seawall piling (2 per pack) TBA
Artmaster 80318 Command bunker (half-relief) $46.62
Artmaster 80319 Ring-shaped 20mm anti-aircraft gun position in an armoured turret $23.22
Artmaster 80320 German State Railroad (1920-1949) hut $32.22
Artmaster 80321 Field oven $28.62
Artmaster 80322 Tankcar for V2 missile TBA
Artmaster 80323 Liquid oxygen car for V2 missile TBA
Artmaster 80324 V2-missile transport railroad car TBA
Artmaster 80325 Flat car, staked, with propellant truck TBA
Artmaster 80326 Flat car, staked, with VW "Jeep" TBA
Artmaster 80327 Flat car, staked, with fire-control half-track for V2 missiles TBA
Artmaster 80328 V2-missile boxcar TBA
Artmaster 80329 V2 missile under a tarp $19.62
Artmaster 80330 Sailboat $17.82
Artmaster 80331 Old Locks TBA
Artmaster 80332 8-axle heavy truck TBA
Artmaster 80333 BAF 203 armoured reconnaissance vehicle (Soviet design) TBA
Artmaster 80334 ELEFANT armour recovery vehicle, loaded on a railroad car $53.82
Artmaster 80335 VK 4500 heavy tank $46.62
Artmaster 80336 Anti-aircraft searchlight $17.82
Artmaster 80337 Tatra T 6500 / 111 flatbed truck $64.62
Artmaster 80338 Borgward WANZE (BEDBUG) tank killer $21.42
Artmaster 80339 KUGELBLITZ armoured railroad speeder $43.02
Artmaster 80340 Tatra 8000 H truck (fueled by wood gas) $64.62
Artmaster 80341 Tatra T11 truck for operation on railroad tracks $64.62
Artmaster 80342 Watch personnel w/ bicycles $21.42
Artmaster 80343 BP 42 Armoured freight engine w/ tender $98.82
Artmaster 80344 BP 42 Armoured gun car $59.22
Artmaster 80345 BP 42 Armoured Command car $61.02
Artmaster 80346 BP 42 Armoured anti-aircraft gun car $70.02
Artmaster 80347 BP 42 Armoured tank transport car $52.02
Artmaster 80348 BP 42 Armoured deflection car $52.02
Artmaster 80349 1A tank with anti-aircraft gun TBA
Artmaster 80350 Piece to equalize the length of a dock wall $17.82
Artmaster 80351 BP 42 armoured tender $43.02
Artmaster 80352 Small watch bunker $10.62
Artmaster 80353 Borgward DGzrS half-track vehicle $53.82
Artmaster 80354 WWI personnel transport car TBA
Artmaster 80355 Diver HINRICHS $48.42
Artmaster 80356 Harbor pilot TBA
Artmaster 80357 Auxilliary anti-aircraft gun car II $61.02
Artmaster 80358 TIGER II loaded on a flat car TBA
Artmaster 80359 ELEFANT armour recovery vehicle, loaded on a railroad car TBA
Artmaster 80360 Three tents $12.42
Artmaster 80361 Granary 11 (Bremen, part 1) TBA
Artmaster 80362 Granary 11 (Bremen, part 2) TBA
Artmaster 80363 Granary 11 (Bremen, part 3) TBA
Artmaster 80364 Bunker for a 37mm anti-aircraft gun $34.02
Artmaster 80365 SIG 33 Infantry gun $23.22
Artmaster 80366 Rescue shed TBA
Artmaster 80367 Rescue cruizer THEODOR HEUSS $197.82
Artmaster 80368 Sandstone seawall (2 pieces plus flooring) $17.82
Artmaster 80369 Sandstone seawall steps (1 piece plus flooring) $16.02
Artmaster 80370 Sandstone seawall jetty (2 sections w/ flooring $30.42
Artmaster 80371 HETZER Armoured flame-thrower $28.62
Artmaster 80372 Recovery HETZER with ram $34.02
Artmaster 80373 Reconnaissance HETZER $34.02
Artmaster 80374 Red Cross Clubmobile conversion kit $28.62
Artmaster 80375 HETZER STARR light tank destroyer $32.22
Artmaster 80376 ELEFANT armour recovery vehicle $41.22
Artmaster 80377 Stupa 43 self-propelled armoured infantry support gun TBA
Artmaster 80378 Half-track anti-aircraft with 88mm gun TBA
Artmaster 80379 Panther II tank TBA
Artmaster 80380 New design vehicle $53.82
Artmaster 80381 Lorraine infantry supply vehicle $30.42
Artmaster 80382 Sd. Anh. 473 beaconlight trailer $21.42
Artmaster 80383 Opel BLITZ of the African Corps w/ anti-aircraft gun $30.42
Artmaster 80384 RSO tracked-prime-mover with anti-aircraft gun TBA
Artmaster 80385 Steyr 1500 truck with towed anti-aircraft gun TBA
Artmaster 80386 Steyr 1500 communications van TBA
Artmaster 80387 Steyr 1500 personnel carrier TBA
Artmaster 80388 Infantry car w/ concrete armour $43.02
Artmaster 80389 Russian armoured railroad gun TBA
Artmaster 80390 Russian flatcar I $43.02
Artmaster 80391 Russian flat car for captured materiel TBA
Artmaster 80392 Railroad steam crane $107.82
Artmaster 80393 Set of figures, tank warehouse $17.82
Artmaster 80394 Set of figures, seamen I (6 figures) $21.42
Artmaster 80395 Set of figures, seamen II (5 figures) $19.62
Artmaster 80396 Set of figures, deck crew I $28.62
Artmaster 80397 Set of figures, deck crew II $28.62
Artmaster 80398 Set of figures XX, soldiers $28.62
Artmaster 80399 Class XXIII submarine $161.82
Artmaster 80400 "LANGEOOG" sea-going rescue boot TBA
Artmaster 80401 Buoys TBA
Artmaster 80402 Set of chains and cables $10.62
Artmaster 80403 Set of crates V $12.42
Artmaster 80404 Munitions set for 50mm anti-tank gun $8.82
Artmaster 80405 50mm fortress anti-tank gun $17.82
Artmaster 80406 Command equipment suite for heavy anti-tank gun $14.22
Artmaster 80407 Czech design hedgehog anti-vehicle barriers $8.82
Artmaster 80408 "Dragons teeth" barriers $17.82
Artmaster 80409 Small ranging station for coastal batteries TBA
Artmaster 80410 Submarine pen - seawall TBA
Artmaster 80411 Submarine pen - walls TBA
Artmaster 80412 Submarine pen - flooring TBA
Artmaster 80413 Submarine pen - columns TBA
Artmaster 80414 Submarine pen - roof TBA
Artmaster 80415 Hangar $53.82
Artmaster 80416 Landing field plates TBA
Artmaster 80417 Electronics for lighthouses and bouys $25.02
Artmaster 80418 Class VII C submarine (portion above the waterline) $250.20
Artmaster 80419 Modification kit for Panzer IV tank TBA
Artmaster 80420 Figure kit of Gen Heinz GUDERIAN $14.22
Artmaster 80421 Light boiler armour for the Class 52 steam locomotive $25.02
Artmaster 80422 SEEHUND submarine (complete hull) $46.62
Artmaster 80423 SEEHUND submarine (portion above the waterline) $26.82
Artmaster 80424 Class XXIII submarine (portion above the waterline) $89.82
Artmaster 80425 Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft gun barrel (2 per pack) $7.02
Artmaster 80426 Artillery vehicle 3 $53.82
Artmaster 80427 Artillery vehicle 4 $53.82
Artmaster 80428 Vehicle with command equipment suite $53.82
Artmaster 80429 S 600 bunker with fortress anti-tank gun $46.62
Artmaster 80430 Bunker for heavey anti-aircraft gun $41.22
Artmaster 80431 STORCH small liaison aircraft loaded on a railroad car $48.42
Artmaster 80432 Crates TBA
Artmaster 80433 Dornier Komet loaded on a flatcar $29.95
Artmaster 80434 Mines ready for loading $23.22
Artmaster 80435 "LINSE" boat, (filled with explosives to be used as a torpedo) on a flat car $32.22
Artmaster 80436 PANTHER tank loaded on a flatcar $34.02
Artmaster 80437 Torpedo boat S68 TBA
Artmaster 80438 Fehmarn ferry $305.82
Artmaster 80439 Rescue boat monument TBA
Artmaster 80440 Watering facility TBA
Artmaster 80441 Water station TBA
Artmaster 80442 Service building TBA
Artmaster 80443 Façade 1 TBA
Artmaster 80444 Façade 2 TBA
Artmaster 80445 88mm munitions set $21.42
Artmaster 80446 Set of figures of civilian seamen 1 $19.62
Artmaster 80447 Set of figures of civilian seamen 2 $19.62
Artmaster 80448 Navy artillery operators I TBA
Artmaster 80449 Naval figures I $21.42
Artmaster 80450 Sitting officer with driver $7.02
Artmaster 80452 Set of Navy figures 1 TBA
Artmaster 80453 Set of Navy figures 2 TBA
Artmaster 80454 Renault FT 17 light tank TBA
Artmaster 80455 TIGER III A tank TBA
Artmaster 80456 Swedish CV 90 tank TBA
Artmaster 80457 1A tank TBA
Artmaster 80458 1B tank TBA
Artmaster 80459 1B tank w/ SIG Heavy Infantry Gun TBA
Artmaster 80460 1 Tank w/ 47mm anti-tank gun (Czech design) TBA
Artmaster 80461 1 tank command vehicle TBA
Artmaster 80462 1A tank ammunition hauler TBA
Artmaster 80463 German Armed Forces medical-aid trailer $26.82
Artmaster 80464 BOFORS 40mm swedish-manufactured anti-aircraft gun TBA
Artmaster 80465 KUGELBLITZ armoured self-propelled anti-aircraft gun $44.82
Artmaster 80466 Bren Light armoured personnel carrier $30.42
Artmaster 80467 Bren Light armoured personnel carrier /w Vickers machine gun $30.42
Artmaster 80468 Monument to rescuers $7.02
Artmaster 80469 Bren Light armoured personnel carrier w/ mortars $30.42
Artmaster 80470 Bren Light armoured personnel carrier /w 5-pound cannon $35.82
Artmaster 80471 Crew for a BREN light armoured personnel carrier $14.22
Artmaster 80472 Ring-shaped foundation for 50mm fortress mortar (Design 61A) $17.82
Artmaster 80473 British 6-pound anti-tank gun $16.11
Artmaster 80474 Lighthouse $26.82
Artmaster 80475 Pile wall, concrete, straight (2 per pack) TBA
Artmaster 80476 Pile wall, concrete, right angles (2 per pack) TBA
Artmaster 80477 Pile wall, concrete w/ mooring posts, straight (2 per pack) TBA
Artmaster 80478 Pile wall, concrete w/ mooring posts, right angles (2 per pack) TBA
Artmaster 80479 Seawall, concrete straight (2 per pack) TBA
Artmaster 80480 Seawall, concrete, right angles (2 per pack) TBA
Artmaster 80481 Seawall, concrete, steps (1 per pack/for all seawalls) TBA
Artmaster 80482 Concrete seawall, Navy, straight (2 per pack) TBA
Artmaster 80483 Concrete seawall, Navy, jetty TBA
Artmaster 80484 Section of concrete street with in-laid rails TBA
Artmaster 80485 Section of concrete street TBA
Artmaster 80486 Anti-tank trap $12.42
Artmaster 80487 Standard design 681 machine-gun bunker TBA
Artmaster 80488 Small railroad protective bunker $10.62
Artmaster 80489 Open ring-shaped bed w/ 155mm cannon (French design) $53.82
Artmaster 80490 Fortress cannon 47mm cannon (Czech design) $17.82
Artmaster 80491 Buessing flatbed truck $53.82
Artmaster 80492 Buessing tow-truck w/hoist $53.82
Artmaster 80493 Buessing box truck $53.82
Artmaster 80494 Buessing armoured 37mm anti-aircraft gun $53.82
Artmaster 80495 Gunbarrel for 50mm anti-aircraft tank $8.82
Artmaster 80496 Krupp twin anti-aircraft gun $39.42
Artmaster 80497 Anti-aircraft system 58 $39.42
Artmaster 80498 Bear II 305mm armoured mortar $53.82
Artmaster 80499 V2 missile $42.95
Artmaster 80500 Fire-controll armoured vehicle for V2 missile TBA
Artmaster 80501 Hanomag SS 100 heavy tractor TBA
Artmaster 80502 Deutz tow-truck w/ hoist TBA
Artmaster 80503 Buessing truck with command equipment TBA
Artmaster 80504 JAGDTIGER heavy tank loaded on a flat car $59.95
Artmaster 80505 Load of rails TBA
Artmaster 80506 Submarine stern section ready for transport TBA
Artmaster 80507 Submarine conning-tower section ready for transport TBA
Artmaster 80508 Submarine mid-section ready for transport TBA
Artmaster 80509 Submarine bow section ready for transport TBA
Artmaster 80510 Sunken submarine TBA
Artmaster 80511 Navy cargo $14.95
Artmaster 80512 Submarine pen portal TBA
Artmaster 80513 Self-propelled artillery TBA
Artmaster 80514 Italian self-propelled rail gun LITTORINA BLINDATA $64.95
Artmaster 80515 Command vehicle TBA
Artmaster 80516 Flat car TBA
Artmaster 80517 German WWII pilots TBA
Artmaster 80518 Modern street barriers TBA
Artmaster 80519 LEOPARD VK 1602 reconnaisance tank TBA
Artmaster 80520 Munitions set II for the TIGER assault tank (4 pieces) $7.02
Artmaster 80521 German equipment and field accessories $16.02
Artmaster 80522 Hangar II $53.82
Artmaster 80523 Hangar III $53.82
Artmaster 80524 PANTHER tank prototype VK3002 V2 $25.02
Artmaster 80540 SWS with UHU TBA
Artmaster 80547 150mm Naval Gun 1 TBA
Artmaster 80548 150mm Naval Gun 2 TBA
Artmaster 80549 120mm Naval Gun i TBA
Artmaster 80550 Klein U-Boot Molch Bahnverladen m. TBA
Artmaster 80554 Tank Wall TBA
Artmaster 80555 Angled Tank Wall TBA
Artmaster 80556 Tank Wall with Bunker TBA
Artmaster 80558 Tank Wall Street Lock TBA
Artmaster 80559 Tank Wall with Continuity and Guard TBA
Artmaster 80560 Cannon Firing Control Bunker TBA
Artmaster 80561 Tobruk with Machine Gun TBA
Artmaster 80563 MG Bunker with Observation TBA
Artmaster 80564 Bunker MG TBA
Artmaster 80565 Unprotected Concrete Reinforcement TBA
Artmaster 80566 Marine Kusten Batterie TBA
Artmaster 80567 Bunker with Sumoa Tower TBA
Artmaster 80569 Flak Rocket Waterfall TBA
Artmaster 80570 Ferry Terminal Bridge $91.11
Artmaster 80571 Loaded Barge TBA
Artmaster 80572 Barge Unloaded TBA
Artmaster 80573 Monument de Ruyter TBA
Artmaster 80575 Anti-aircraft spotlight plastic Kit $32.00
Artmaster 80577 German 88mm Flak anti-aircraft gun $22.95
Artmaster 80586 Fish Boat TBA
Artmaster 80587 Fishing Boat (Portion above the waterline) TBA
Artmaster 80591 Flak Rocket Feuerlilie TBA
Artmaster 80592 V2 Rocket Engine Transport Load $28.50
Artmaster 80594 JU 88 Bahnverladen $31.83
Artmaster 80603 SWS Munschlepper Tractor TBA
Artmaster 80604 SWS with 3.7cm Flak TBA
Artmaster 80605 Armoured Command Vehicle - Dorchester TBA
Artmaster 80606 Panther with 3.7cm Flak TBA
Artmaster 80607 Horch Ambulance TBA
Artmaster 80608 Sd. Anh. 115 - Eight Wheel Trailer TBA
Artmaster 80610 Flak Rocket Feuerlilie on Protze TBA
Artmaster 80611 Flak Rocket Enzian TBA
Artmaster 80612 Flack Rocket Enzian on Protze TBA
Artmaster 80613 Rheintochter TBA
Artmaster 80614 Amphibie DGzRS TBA
Artmaster 80615 Jam Pack for Vehicles TBA
Artmaster 80616 Fuselage Load of the Arado Blitz TBA
Artmaster 80617 Box Set TBA
Artmaster 80619 Coverage for Car Design Linz TBA
Artmaster 80620 Flak Anti-aircraft Ferry TBA
Artmaster 80621 Rowing Boat TBA
Artmaster 80623 Lighthouse TBA
Artmaster 80626 Flak Car TBA
Artmaster 80631 On anti-aircraft missile feuerlilie protze TBA
Artmaster 80661 Armored Brake House TBA
Artmaster 80672 Me 108 Taifun $32.95
Artmaster 80694 Liquid Oxygen Tank $39.95
Artmaster 80695 Mercedes 770 $24.95
Artmaster 80725 Conversion kit protective car $39.90
Artmaster 80729 Me 262 Swallow web loading $49.90
Artmaster 80730 Sentinel railway $34.95
Artmaster 80731 Sentinel water truck $34.95
Artmaster 80757 Military Transport II TBA
Artmaster 80950 L300 San Koffer TBA
Artmaster 82101 Midget submarine SEEHUND $17.82
Artmaster 82102 Midget submarine BIBER $17.82
Artmaster 82103 Midget submarine MOLCH $17.82
Artmaster 82104 Midget submarine HECHT $17.82
Artmaster 82105 Submarine Class XXIII $44.82
Artmaster 84001 Midget submarine SEEHUND $25.02
Artmaster 84002 Midget submarine BIBER $23.22
Artmaster 84003 Mines and accessories TBA
Artmaster 84004 SEEHUND submarine ((portion above the waterline) TBA
Artmaster 84005 Steam tugboat $35.82
Artmaster 84006 DIE FRIESE Sailboat TBA
Artmaster 84007 Friesian type of boat TBA
Artmaster 84008 River tugboat $35.82
Artmaster 84009 Customs / Police boat TBA
Artmaster 84010 Lighthouse BREMEN / Jetty house $50.22
Artmaster 84011 2000 kilogram crane $53.82
Artmaster 84012 Sandstone seawall $16.11
Artmaster 84013 Sandstone seawall, steps $12.51
Artmaster 84014 Sandstone seawall, corner $14.31
Artmaster 84015 Sandstone seawall, jetty $16.11
Artmaster 84016 Façade 1 TBA
Artmaster 84017 Façade 2 TBA
Artmaster 84018 Watering facility building TBA
Artmaster 84019 Watering facility TBA
Artmaster 84020 Operations building TBA
Artmaster 84021 Messerschmidt Me 163 KOMET rocket-powered fighter plane, loaded TBA
Artmaster 84022 Tugboat $35.82
Artmaster 84023 Two tents $7.02
Artmaster 84101 Military train set 1 (dry transfer) $9.75
Artmaster 84102 Military train set 2 (dry transfer) $9.75
Artmaster 84103 German State Railroad (1920-1949) (dry transfer) $9.75
Artmaster 84104 "Wheels must roll!" (dry transfer) $9.75
Artmaster 85001 WWII German Army crosses (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85002 Red crosses (round) (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85003 Military train set 1 (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85004 Military train set 2 (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85005 Imperial Eagle (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85006 Early German Army crosses (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85007 German State Railroad (1920-1949)(dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85008 German Federal Army Set I (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85009 WWI set 1 (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85010 "German friendly forces" flags to ward off air attack $12.25
Artmaster 85011 African Corps / North Africa (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85012 Service signs $12.25
Artmaster 85013 Tower numbers 1 (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85014 Tower numbers 2 (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85015 "Wheels must roll!" (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85016 German Federal Army crosses (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85017 Air Force crosses (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85018 WWII German Army 1 (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85019 Air Force I (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85020 Navy 1 (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85021 Armoured trains 1 (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85022 US ensignias (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85023 WWII German Army crates (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85024 Submarine insignia (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85025 Red Crosses (rectangular) $12.25
Artmaster 85026 Junker aircraft (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85027 Leopold K5 TBA
Artmaster 85028 Road Signs 1 TBA
Artmaster 85033 Military Postal (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85034 Civilian German postal (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85035 Army Test Center Peenemuende (dry transfer) $12.25
Artmaster 85036 Numerals, black (1.8, 2.4, 3 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85037 Numerals, black (3.6, 4.2, 4.8 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85038 Numerals, black (5.4, 6.0, 6.6 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85039 Numerals, black (7.5, 8.5 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85040 Numerals, white (1.8, 2.4, 3 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85041 Numerals, white (3.6, 4.2, 4.8 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85042 Numerals, white (5.4, 6.0, 6.6 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85043 Numerals, white (7.5, 8.5 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85044 Lettering, black (1.8, 2.4, 3.0 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85045 Lettering, black (3.6, 4.2 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85046 Lettering, black (4.8, 5.4 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85047 Lettering, black (6 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85048 Lettering, black (6.6 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85049 Lettering, black (7.5 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85050 Lettering, black (8.5 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85051 Lettering, white (1.8, 2.4, 3.0 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85052 Lettering, white (3.6, 4.2 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85053 Lettering, white (4.8, 5.4 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85054 Lettering, white (6mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85055 Lettering, white (6.6 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85056 Lettering, white (7.5 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85057 Lettering, white (8.5 mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85058 Line 1 Decals TBA
Artmaster 85059 Line 2 Decals TBA
Artmaster 85060 Line 3 Decals TBA
Artmaster 85061 Lines 1 Decals White TBA
Artmaster 85062 Lines 2 Decals White TBA
Artmaster 85063 Lines 3 Decals White TBA
Artmaster 85064 Wehrmacht 2 White Decals TBA
Artmaster 85065 Black Loading Tag Decals TBA
Artmaster 85066 White Loading Tag Decals TBA
Artmaster 85067 Black Number Decals TBA
Artmaster 85068 Black Number Decals TBA
Artmaster 85069 Black Number Decals TBA
Artmaster 85070 Black Number Decals TBA
Artmaster 85071 Lettering White (1.8, 2.4, 3mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85072 White Number Decals (3.6, 4.2, 4.8mm) TBA
Artmaster 85073 White Number Decals (5.4, 6, 6.6mm) TBA
Artmaster 85074 White Number Decals (7.5, 8.5mm) TBA
Artmaster 85075 Black Letter Decals (1.8, 2.4, 3mm) TBA
Artmaster 85076 Black Letter Decals (3.6, 4.2mm) TBA
Artmaster 85077 Black Letter Decals (4.8, 5.4mm) TBA
Artmaster 85078 Black Letter Decals (6mm) TBA
Artmaster 85079 Black Letter Decals (6.6mm) $12.25
Artmaster 85080 Black Letter Decals (7.5mm) TBA
Artmaster 85081 Black Letter Decals (8.5mm) TBA
Artmaster 85082 White Letter Decals (1.8, 2.4, 3mm) TBA
Artmaster 85083 White Letter Decals (3.6, 4.2mm) TBA
Artmaster 85084 White Letter Decals (4.8, 5.4mm) TBA
Artmaster 85085 White Letter Decals (6mm) TBA
Artmaster 85086 White Letter Decals (6.6mm) TBA
Artmaster 85087 White Letter Decals (6.6mm) TBA
Artmaster 85088 White Letter Decals (8.5mm) TBA
Artmaster 85089 Name Decals TBA
Artmaster 87004 Tatra T813 Truck $26.95
Artmaster 90018 BT-2 $14.95
Artmaster 90051 SU85 Tank $28.50
Artmaster 90052 SU 100 Tank $28.50
Artmaster 90053 KW1 $14.95
Artmaster 90054 KW-2 $14.95
Artmaster 94001 Panzer II. $21.45
Artmaster CAT2013 2013 Catalog $10.00
Artmaster CAT2015 2015 Catalog $10.00
Artmaster CAT2016 2016 Catalog $10.00
Artmaster CAT2019 2019 Catalog $10.00
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