Home : Products : Consignment : HO Scale AC Electric Locomotives : HAG280-1 - HAG Swiss Electric Locomotive Re 4/4 Typ 460 of the SBB "Hop Suisse"
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    Consignment HAG Swiss Electric Locomotive Re 4/4 Typ 460 of the SBB "Hop Suisse"  

    This item is discontinued at the factory but is still available here.

    Consignment HAG280-1

    Price: $483.96

    System Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    AC HO Switzerland V SBB 21.5cm
    Consignment HAG280-1 - HAG Swiss Electric Locomotive Re 4/4 Typ 460 of the SBB Hop Suisse

    Product Features and Details
    HO Scale AC Era V Includes a digital decoder 

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