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    Roco 3 piece set: Goods train  

    Roco 76018

    Price: $97.90

    System Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    DC HO Czech Republic III CSD 355mm
    Roco 76018 - 3 piece set: Goods train

    Product Features and Details
    HO Scale DC Era III 

    Set of three goods wagons of the Czechoslovakian State Railways.

    The set contains a boxcar type Glms, a gondola with stakes type Zr and a tank wagon type Rt.

    ¦ Typical wagons to form an Epoch III goods train

    General data
    - Coupling - NEM shaft 362 with close coupling mechanism
    - AC Wheel set Article number - 40196, 40183
    - Length over buffer - 355 mm

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