Product Features and Details
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Prototype: Powered rail car train 833/834 of the K.P.E.V. wheel arrangement 0-4-2 + B-2 + 0-4-2, built starting 1914. Use: Main lines and branch lines, in part with additional passenger or freight cars.
Model: Era I, with digital connector, motor with flywheel, with close coupling between the units, 2 powered axles, 4 traction tires. Length over buffers 267 mm / 10-1/2".
From Nieder Salzbrunn to Halbstadt In Silesia the constantly increasing number of passengers at the end of the Kaiser era could no longer be handled with the standard trains for the period. Consequently the KPEV procured a total of six three-part powered rail car trains in 1914, which were designed for the special line characteristics of numerous grades and narrow radii. The trains, which were initially designated as E.T. 501-506 had a striking visual design, which was based on the usual passenger train car of the time with fanlights, solebar truss, and recessed doors. The motor car positioned in the middle between the two cab control cars, guaranteed good running characteristics, even in particularly narrow and curving sections of the line.