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    LGB Track Cleaning Locomotive (Sound)  

    LGB 21671

    Price: $780.00

    Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    G Various IV Various 440mm
    LGB 21671 - Track Cleaning Locomotive (Sound)

    Product Features and Details
    G Scale Era IV MFX Includes a digital decoder Includes a sound effect 

    This is a model of a tracklaying machine as used in track maintenance. The paint scheme and lettering are appropriate to the model. The model has two cleaning wheels to keep the track clean. Both wheelsets and the cleaning wheels are each driven by a powerful ball bearing Bühler motor. The unit has an mfx/DCC sound decoder with many light and sound functions. Length over the buffers 44 cm / 17-5/16".

    The right cleaning wheels to swap out can be found as an accessory under item number E132064.

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